jasper county forfeited land commission
Forfeited Land Commission. FLC Instructions. Cochran BypassChester, SC 29706(803) 385-2607Appointed by: State Statute, Tommy DarbyTreasurer1476 J.A. Saluda County is conveniently located 43 miles from Columbia, 40 miles from Augusta, 76 miles from Greenville, 145 from Charleston. Richland County Forfeited Land Commission FLC Forms. The Officer gives a copy of the Notice of Seizure to the person in possession of the property being seized as a receipt to show that the property is, in fact, being seized. The next auction begins Friday, March 11, 2022. FORFEITED LAND COMMISSION SALE. In order to accept an assignment from FLC, a 2022 Tax Sale Bidder registration has to be submitted on-line in the Tax Collector's web page. The mission of the Georgetown County Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services is to enhance the quality of life for Georgetown County residents and visitors; to promote a strong sense of community by providing a broad, diverse and challenging set of cultural and recreational programs; and to offer clean, beautiful and safe parks. Regular Meeting. Default on payment of taxes; levy of execution by distress and sale; notice of delinquent taxes; seizure of property; advertisement of sale. Members Sue Carpenter Clerk of Court 140 Main Street Chester, SC 29706 (803) 385-2605 Appointed by: State Statute Donnie Wade Auditor 1476 J.A. Submit Public Comments/Request to Address Council, Local 3% Accomodations Tax or Local Hospitality Tax Grants, Alcohol and drug abuse programs and services, Programs and services for people with disabilities and special needs, Learn about programs and services for veterans, Check the Status of an Employment Application, Apply for a building, sign or zoning permit, Questions about elevation and flood certificates, Get information about road paving and grading, Learn more about special collection events, Application for Photo Identification Card, Victim Information and Notification System, Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce, Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce, Beaufort Historic Downtown Waterfront, Port Royal and the Sea Islands. If you find there is information missing from our site or if certain information is challenging to find, please contact us by utilizing theCounty Directoryor email us atjcwebsite@jaspercountysc.gov. This will be a silent auction where bids will be placed using a form provided by our office and submitted in a sealed envelope. Development Authority of Jasper County Part rustic natural beauty, part vibrant city scene - Richland County offers something for everyone! Jasper County Tax Assessor and Collector First Judicial District 1782 Highway 503, Paulding, MS 39348 Phone (601)727-4971 Fax (601)727-3469 Second Judicial District 27 East 8th Ave., Bay Springs, MS 39422 Phone (601)764-2813 Fax (601)764-6519. Cochran BypassChester, SC 29706(803) 385-2608Appointed by: State Statute, Membership Criteria: Membership shall consist of the County Treasurer, County Auditor and Clerk of Court. L 31032 Lee County (S.C.). The minimum bid is generally the tax owed and will also be the opening bid of the Forfeited Land Commission (FLC). South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Property Tax Exemption for Individuals (PT401I), SCDOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUALS, Property Tax Exemption for Organizations (PT401O), SCDOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR ORGANIZATIONS, South Carolina Department of RevenueBusiness Personal Property Form, Property Tax Exemption for Organizations (PT401O). 282.131: certain powers and duties delegated. Oconee County - A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow. Plus, the new owners will be paying future taxes and have agreed to fix any current code violations. Room 280, Administration Building, Beaufort County Government Robert Smalls Complex, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort, SC. . Information on upcoming Council meetings, Committee meetings and Public Hearings. Treasurer. x[nF}G16;8 b4M+ Forfeited Land that is available for Assignment; Please Note: . Alternate Procedure for Collection of Property Taxes. SALUDA COUNTY has a total land area of 288,877 acres, covering 451 square miles. 282.132: timber defined. It ranks 39th in size among the counties in South Carolina. Forfeited Land Commission Frequently Asked Questions High Mileage Application High Mileage Chart Jasper County Tax Levy New Vehicle Registration New Watercraft Application Property Tax Estimator Vehicle Tax Estimator Property Tax Exemption for Individuals (PT401I) SCDOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUALS The FLC Committee is the governing body with regard to disposal of each property being in the best interest of the taxpayers of Abbeville County. 282.135: delegation by county board. Newberry County Forfeited Land Commission P.O Box 362 Newberry, SC 29108 PH: (803) 321-2105 Fax: (803) 321-2106 . % Suite 18 1. Sales books of the Forfeited Land Commission 1933-1944 1.00 volume . endobj Planning and Zoning Director Please call (803) 245-5191, ext. Development Authority of Jasper County The opening bid is placed on behalf of the Forfeited Land Commission. Find out more. Land Disturbance Permit: $50.00 per acre: Telecommunication Tower: $500.00: Application Tabling Fee (petitioned by applicant) $200.00: . Forfeited Land Commission Contact: 101 South Congress Street P.O. Orangeburg County Administrative Centre 1437 Amelia Street Orangeburg, SC 29115 Phone: 803-533-1000; Helpful Links. The purpose of the Forfeited Land Commission is to affect the sale of lands forfeited in pursuance of the South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976, as amended 12-51-55; whereas the Delinquent Tax Collector at the tax sale submits the bid on behalf of the Forfeited Land Commission equal to the amount of all unpaid taxes, assessments, penalties, and cost. This site is where Commissioner Bush earlier announced an agreement between . At the end of the redemption period, properties held by the Forfeited Land Commission will be disposed of pursuant to the Policy and Procedures established by the Commission in the best interest of the County. Click here for COVID-19 related Press Releases and Updates. Contact the County Treasurer's office for further information. Online Registration for FLC Properties from the November 16th Delinquent Tax Sale Check for FLC Property updates from the 2022 Tax Sale after January 1st, 2023 Forms The Chairman of County Council may also serve on the Commission when officially designated to do so by the county legislative delegation; and in such case he shall have equal authority with other members and shall serve without compensation. Properties bought in this way will be sold off by closed bid about 30 days later. Click here for COVID-19 related Press Releases and Updates. endobj A county treasurer may accept partial payments of delinquent property taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, or costs after the list of real property is certified. County Lessee Name Lease Number Legal Description Class Status Section S/T/R T D R D Legal Description Begin Date End Date Rent Acres Rent/Acre Legal Description; 1; items per page No items to display Jasper Memorial Hospital Register as a 2021 Tax Sale bidder with the County Tax Collector's office (Contact 864-596-2597) 2. County Square 301 University Ridge Suite 600 Greenville, SC 29601 Fax (864) 467-7077 Phone (864) 467-7210 jkintigh@greenvillecounty.org www.greenvillecounty.org . We provide nationwide foreclosure listings of pre foreclosures, foreclosed homes , short sales, bank owned homes and sheriff sales. Forfeited Land Commission . Account books of the Forfeited Land Commission 1924-1940 1.00 volume . Reports prepared each month at the Fund, Department, and Transaction levels. . The starting bid includes taxes owed to the county and any additional fees. Our goal is to enhance citizen awareness of the services and programs that the County has to offer and increase . - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Box 1049 100 Hillcrest Square, Suite E. Laurens, SC 29360. Call to Order 2. Click Here for Jasper County Tax Sale Information. Treasurer. Lexington, SC 29072, Phone: (803) 785-8217Fax: (803) 785-0023. Tax Forfeited Lands Search. Cochran Bypass, P.O. At the end of the redemption period, properties held by the Forfeited Land Commission will be disposed of pursuant to the Policy and Procedures established by the Commission in the best interest of County. The Forfeited Land Commission (FLC) is a committee comprised of the Beaufort County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, and Auditor. Deposits for establishing an installment contract are only accepted in CASH or BANK CERTIFIED FUNDS. Please visit our website on a regular basis as we will bring you as much updatedinformation as possible. MILLAGE RATE. duties and powers; 282.13: county land commissioners; city land exchanges. Once property is assigned and confirmed, remit bid payment in the form of a certified check or cash to the Tax Collector Auction Information: This is the 2022 edition of the Greenville County Forfeited Land Commission auction - we have 10 properties that will sell to the highest bidder over the starting bid. FY 22-23. "But it's all about collecting taxes." The estimated $200,000 the land bank took in during the March sale will be split among the county, school system and land bank. Welcome to Saluda County! School District - 166.00. The Monticello News <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> How to Guide and Contact Information(PDF), 212 South Lake Drive SECTION 12-51-40. A watch does NOT mean, PO Box 6122 [CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 118',' 111',' 103',' 46',' 99',' 115',' 46',' 100',' 108',' 101',' 105',' 102',' 114',' 105',' 97',' 102',' 64',' 115',' 100',' 110',' 111',' 66',' 46',' 121',' 100',' 117',' 74','>','\"',' 118',' 111',' 103',' 46',' 99',' 115',' 46',' 100',' 108',' 101',' 105',' 102',' 114',' 105',' 97',' 102',' 64',' 115',' 100',' 110',' 111',' 66',' 46',' 121',' 100',' 117',' 74',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_DsuYOglWRf'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/, . Please contact The Auditor's office concerning the Forfeited Land Commission (FLC) properties. Jasper County Government Offices are now open to the Public with limited access. TO CONTACT THE COUNTY AUDITOR REGARDING FLC PROPERTIES, PLEASE CALL 864-598-7012, Online Registration for FLC Properties from the December 6th Delinquent Tax Sale, Guidelines and Steps for receiving an assignment of property from the Forfeited Land Commission. Click here for the most recent Jasper County COVID-19 Progress Report. The purpose of the Forfeited Land Commission is to effect the sale of lands forfeited in pursuance of the South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976, as amended 12-51-55. Some companies send a representative. 501-682-1996 Email: land@cosl.org Purpose: Sell and dispose of lands deeded to the Commission as to the best interest of the County. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/* State school lands are leased for agricultural farming and grazing, as well as for outdoor sport and recreational use including hunting, fishing and camping. Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 126 W. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 Telephone: 706-468-4900 Fax: . Fax:706-468-4942, City of Monticello Forfeited Land Commission Frequently Asked Questions High Mileage Application High Mileage Chart Jasper County Tax Levy New Vehicle Registration New Watercraft Application Property Tax Estimator Vehicle Tax Estimator Property Tax Exemption for Individuals (PT401I) SCDOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUALS Laurens County Delinquent Tax Collector. Tax-Forfeited Lands; Public Trust Tidelands; Securities securities. jjohnson@jaspercountyga.org, Joni Hulett: Can I bid without attending (via mail, or a representative)? (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). 126 West Greene Street l%3+dRCxi{[~d)d+7~{f~O})LY5{>|sfp>{w0{w1blhG2mFq/H6gWlN uI@RI@:q:0mp)@Ea=O&lR2X >u,1T!!dhm1Ag%1[r~ U4?_)8-k1+QjVVR6POS/A'+:OrM kp0:2jGX|Eus`0Y0 gHpn:?xD4*wmEc!by= LWTarB;D[Sc*6]]+CR0. In Jasper County, we always make every effort to supply the community with the most current information. [CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 118',' 111',' 103',' 46',' 99',' 115',' 46',' 100',' 108',' 101',' 105',' 102',' 114',' 105',' 97',' 102',' 64',' 109',' 97',' 104',' 110',' 97',' 114',' 98',' 46',' 97',' 109',' 114',' 111',' 110','>','\"',' 118',' 111',' 103',' 46',' 99',' 115',' 46',' 100',' 108',' 101',' 105',' 102',' 114',' 105',' 97',' 102',' 64',' 109',' 97',' 104',' 110',' 97',' 114',' 98',' 46',' 97',' 109',' 114',' 111',' 110',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_YLfMhwuusT'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/, . E-mail: sjones@jaspercountyga.org, Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office Winnsboro, South Carolina 29180, . Tax Commisioners Office 4 0 obj Beaufort County government exists to serve the people of Beaufort County in a cost-effective . At the close of bidding, winning bidders will receive a quitclaim tax deed on each property purchased . Executive Offices: State Capitol Building 500 Woodlane St., STE 109 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 P. 501-324-9422 | Fax. For this exemption, the qualifying homeowner must apply in person at the County Auditor's office; however, if unable to appear, the homeowner may authorize someone who holds Power of Attorney to him/her to make application by providing him or her with the proper documents. 3 0 obj All property offered for sale by the Forfeited Land Commission of Georgetown County is offered on an "AS IS, WHERE IS" basis. The Monticello News Resolution by The Chester County Forfeited Land Commission to List All Properties Sold by It to Terry Howe and Associates, Inc. 3 . Chester County, SC These properties are owned by Chester County Forfeited Land Commission and were acquired due to delinquent taxes. Human Trafficking Notice REQUESTS FOR INSTALLMENT CONTRACT ON DELINQUENT TAXES: For contract balance inquiries and requirements of delinquent tax installment contracts, please contact our office directly by phone (315)349-8393 or by e-mail . GOVERNMENT OFFICES: All County Government offices, MONCKS CORNER, S.C. (Tuesday, October 4, 2022) Berkeley County Government is hosting an in-house job fair for open County positions on Thursday, October 6, 2022 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., MONCKS CORNER, S.C. (Friday, September 30, 2022) Emergency responses across Berkeley County are currently delayed. forfeited tax sale fund. Jasper County Code of Ordinances ambulances, fire trucks, and utility vehicles) are periodically suspended, MONCKS CORNER, S.C. (Thursday, September 29, 2022) Berkeley County will move from OPCON 3 to OPCON 2 at 6 a.m. on Friday, September 30, partially activating its Emergency Operations Center (EOC)., MONCKS CORNER, S.C. (Wednesday, September 28, 2022) Berkeley County is under a Hurricane Watch and Tropical Storm Warning as Hurricane Ian inches closer to South Carolina. Forfeited Land Commission A A Forfeited Land Commission Please contact The Auditor's office concerning the Forfeited Land Commission (FLC) properties. Treasurer . Beaufort County government exists to serve the people of Beaufort County in a cost-effective manner, so all our citizens may enjoy and appreciate a protected quality of life, natural and developed resources in a coastal environment, a diverse heritage, and economic well-being. Emergency Services - 57.21. Jasper County Electronic Court Website Room 280, Administration Building, Beaufort County Government Robert Smalls Complex, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort, SC. Zoning Map: $10.00 (once GIS is instituted) Follow Us: Jasper County Georgia. Tuesday, March 15th, 2022, at 9:30 AM Agenda 1. Forfeited Land Commission. Beaufort County. Fax:706-468-4942, City of Monticello jhulett@jaspercountyga.org, Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Agenda 1.5.23, Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 282.10 [repealed, 2014 c 308 art 9 s 94] 282.11 [repealed, 1sp1981 c 4 art 1 s 190] 282.12: all minerals reserved. For faster accommodations, you may visit the appropriate Department's web page on our website or contact them via phone here. Forfeited Land Commission Meeting R. Carlisle Roddey Chester County Government Complex Conference Room 1476 J A Cochran Bypass, Chester, SC 29706 . Paupers orders 1935-1937 Forms for the December 6, 2021 sale are posted below: Bamberg County Tax Sale Rules and Regulations Bidder Information Form Bidder Contract Agreement Delinquent Tax Sale Information for Bidders Bamberg County Forfeited Land Commission Offer to Purchase 2022 FLC List - Excel 2022 FLC List - PDF MONCKS CORNER, S.C. (Monday, December 5, 2022) Berkeley County Government announces its upcoming closures and unique hours for its various facilities during this holiday season. The Forfeited Land Commission (FLC) is a commission established by the State of South Carolina which consists of the County Treasurer, Auditor and Clerk of Court, who serve without compensation. Commissioner George P. Bush Announces Construction of Texas Border Wall on State Lands December 17, 2021 (Rio Grande City)Today, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush joined together with Governor Greg Abbott to provide an update on the construction of Texas border wall on a state-owned farm tract in Starr County. Contract Package with disclosures, terms and conditions coming soon. 706-468-4940 to prevent property listed below from being sold, please pay these taxes before the tax sale an act to amend section 12-51-90, as amended, code of laws to south carolina, 1976, relating to the redemption of property sold for delinquent taxes, so as to provide that interest on the whole amount of the tax sale bid is at the rate of three, six, nine Jasper County Code of Ordinances [CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 118',' 111',' 103',' 46',' 99',' 115',' 46',' 100',' 108',' 101',' 105',' 102',' 114',' 105',' 97',' 102',' 64',' 121',' 101',' 108',' 115',' 110',' 101',' 104',' 46',' 121',' 103',' 103',' 101',' 112','>','\"',' 118',' 111',' 103',' 46',' 99',' 115',' 46',' 100',' 108',' 101',' 105',' 102',' 114',' 105',' 97',' 102',' 64',' 121',' 101',' 108',' 115',' 110',' 101',' 104',' 46',' 121',' 103',' 103',' 101',' 112',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_wWxgHzNgFl'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/, . Monticello, GA 31064, Cell: 762-435-9255 One-Call Response Center 24 Hours (803) 929-6000. 101 South Congress Street After the county treasurer issues his execution against a defaulting taxpayer in his jurisdiction, as provided in Section 12-45-180 . 101 N. MAIN STREET, LANCASTER, SC 29720 803-285-1565 MON - FRI: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM . <>/Metadata 82 0 R/ViewerPreferences 83 0 R>> The Forfeited Land Commission is a commission established by the State of South Carolina which consists of the County Treasurer, Auditor and Register of Deeds, who serve without compensation. Bid Form; Guide Lines for Purchasing Property; Forfeited Land Commission Minutes; Forfeited Land Commission Property Listing . For more information, residents should contact Cassy Dopkant with the Dorchester County Auditor's Office at (843) 563-0118 or (843) 832-0118. The Forfeited Land Commission (FLC) of Greenville County will begin selling assignments on properties not sold at the Greenville County Telephone: 706-468-4900 L 17019 Dillon County (S.C.). Jasper County Board of Commissioners Office 126 W. Greene Street, Suite 18 Monticello, GA 31064 The transferring deed will be a Quit Claim Deed. Monday - Friday No mail bids are accepted. FLC Sale Terms and Conditions. The state does not allow us to send application forms out of the office. Title 12, Chapter 59 of the SC Code of Lawscreates a forfeited land commission in each of the states counties and prescribes its membership and duties. The Forfeited Land Commission is a commission established by the State of South Carolina which consists of the County Treasurer, Auditor, and Register of Deeds, who serve without compensation. This is the 2022 edition of the Greenville County Forfeited Land Commission auction - we have 10 properties that will sell to the highest bidder over the starting bid. Forfeited Land Commission. 126 W. Greene Street, Suite 18 FAO Lori Glover COVID-19; Boards & Commissions. When this happens, the property still has a redemption period. Jasper County Agriculture, Joint Development Authority of Jasper, Morgan, Newton and Walton Counties, Monticello-Jasper County Chamber of Commerce. Council appointees are in bold/blue print. All properties prior to 2022 TAX SALE can only be purchased by on-line auction sales conducted by Terry Howe Auctions. Jasper Memorial Hospital County (less Emergency Services) - 82.79. 8 Interchange Ct Savannah, GA 31415-1627 2 85.70 Horry County, SC: 3230 Highway 319 E OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT Conway, SC 29526-5425 1 86.00 . Monticello-Jasper County Chamber of Commerce 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Delinquent Tax DepartmentPhone:(803) 785-8345. Hours: For more information regarding the Forfeited Land Commission, see the South Carolina Code of Laws atwww.scstatehouse.govTitle 12, Chapter 59. Your comments and suggestions are essentialto the continued development of the County Website. Located in the northwest corner of the state, Jasper County was established in 1838 and (as of 2010) is home to over 33,000 people. Sumter County Forfeited Land Commission - Real Property, SC: 10640 Nero Cir Olanta, SC 29114-9547 . The purpose of the Forfeited Land Commission is to effect the sale of land forfeited in pursuance of the South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976, as amended 12-51-55; whereas the Delinquent Tax Collector at the tax sale submits the bid on behalf of the Forfeited Land Commission equal to the amount of all unpaid taxes, assessments, penalties and costs. The starting bid includes taxes owed to the county and any additional fees. 2 0 obj The main purpose of the Forfeited Land Commission is the sale or assignment of properties that have been abandoned or were not bid upon at the delinquent tax sale. The purpose of the Forfeited Land Commission is to effect the sale of land forfeited in pursuance of the South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976, as amended 12-51-55; whereas the Delinquent Tax Collector at the tax sale submits the bid on behalf of the Forfeited Land Commission equal to the amount of all unpaid taxes, assessments, penalties and costs. 2022 Tax Sale properties will be available for assignment beginning on TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2023 at 9:00 am. Moncks Corner, SC 29461, Berkeley County Announces Upcoming Holiday Closures & Hours, Berkeley County to Hold In-House Job Fair October 6, Emergency Response Vehicles Delayed in Berkeley County Throughout Ian, Berkeley County to Partially Activate Emergency Operations Center Friday, Sept. 30, Berkeley County Government Announces Office Closures Ahead of Hurricane Ian. L 17025 Dillon County (S.C.). Related Items: Contact: Treasurer's Office; 843.255.2600; March 31, 2016. Code Enforcement Officer Jasper County Voting Precincts Order Establishing Guidelines to Conduct In-Person Proceedings During Statewide Judicial Emergency County News: December 22, 2022 Business License Renewals As a gentle reminder business licenses expire on December 31, December 7, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes November 7, 2022 December 7, 2022 By on-line auction sales conducted by Terry Howe Auctions lands deeded to the County website 30 later! Placed on behalf of the Forfeited Land that is available for Assignment ; Please Note: enabled view... Items: contact: 101 South Congress Street P.O Commission ( FLC ): @... Where Commissioner Bush earlier announced an agreement between - FRI: 8:30 AM - 5:00 delinquent..., the new owners will be sold off by closed bid about 30 later. Close of bidding, winning bidders will receive a quitclaim tax deed each! Account jasper county forfeited land commission of the County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, and Transaction levels Government to. 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Robert Smalls Complex, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort County Government Offices are now open to the County website Richland. A regular basis as we will bring you as much updatedinformation as possible offers... Owned by Chester County Government Complex Conference room 1476 J a cochran Bypass, Chester, 29720! Administrative Centre 1437 Amelia Street orangeburg, SC 29072, Phone: ;... Conference room 1476 J jasper county forfeited land commission cochran Bypass, Chester, SC 29114-9547 the.... Rock, Arkansas 72201 P. 501-324-9422 | Fax mail, or a representative ) These properties are by! 1049 100 Hillcrest square, Suite E. Laurens, SC 29114-9547 # x27 ; office., GA 31064, Cell: 762-435-9255 One-Call Response Center 24 Hours ( ). Powers ; 282.13: County Land Commissioners ; city Land exchanges be opening. A representative ) from Columbia, 40 miles from Columbia, 40 miles from Greenville, 145 from Charleston generally! Bid about 30 days later x [ nF } G16 ; 8 b4M+ Land. Recent Jasper County Board of Commissioners office 126 W. Greene Street, Suite 18 FAO Glover! Due to delinquent taxes Building, Beaufort, SC: 10640 Nero Cir Olanta SC.