importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology

Our argument, hence, is that IS researchers who work with quantitative data are not truly positivists, in the historical sense. And, crucially, inferring temporal precedence, i.e., establishing that the cause came before the effect, in a one-point in time survey is at best related to self-reporting by the subject. If your prediction is confirmed, verify your results, draw your final conclusions and present your findings. Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967). Three Roles for Statistical Significance and the Validity Frontier in Theory Testing. Descriptive analysis refers to describing, aggregating, and presenting the constructs of interests or the associations between the constructs to describe, for example, the population from where the data originated, the range of response levels obtained, and so forth. Surveys in this sense therefore approach causality from a correlational viewpoint; it is important to note that there are other traditions toward causal reasoning (such as configurational or counterfactual), some of which cannot be well-matched with data collected via survey research instruments (Antonakis et al., 2010; Pearl, 2009). Science. MacKenzie et al. Researchers can conduct small-scale studies to learn more about topics related to instruction or larger-scale ones to gain insight into school systems and investigate how to improve student outcomes. Most businesses rely on information and communications technology (ICT) to grow and improve their operations. The importance of quantitative research is that it offers tremendous help in studying samples and populations. Figure 2 describes in simplified form the QtPR measurement process, based on the work of Burton-Jones and Lee (2017). Below we summarize some of the most imminent threats that QtPR scholars should be aware of in QtPR practice: 1. Heres to hoping, "End of year threads: whats the best book youve read this year? MIS Quarterly, 36(1), iii-xiv. In fact, IT is really about innovation. (2017). The theory base itself will provide boundary conditions so that we can see that we are talking about a theory of how systems are designed (i.e., a co-creative process between users and developers) and how successful these systems then are. For example, QlPR scholars might interpret some quantitative data as do QtPR scholars. Importance of ICT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a blanket term encompassing all the technologies and services involved in computing, data management, telecommunications provision, and the internet. The idea is to test a measurement model established given newly collected data against theoretically-derived constructs that have been measured with validated instruments and tested against a variety of persons, settings, times, and, in the case of IS research, technologies, in order to make the argument more compelling that the constructs themselves are valid (Straub et al. This rising ubiquity of ICT has meant that we must monitor its role in education. What matters here is that qualitative research can be positivist (e.g., Yin, 2009; Clark, 1972; Glaser & Strauss, 1967) or interpretive (e.g., Walsham, 1995; Elden & Chisholm, 1993; Gasson, 2004). Because developing and assessing measures and measurement is time-consuming and challenging, researchers should first and always identify existing measures and measurements that have already been developed and assessed, to evaluate their potential for reuse. (1979). ), such that no interpretation, judgment, or personal impressions are involved in scoring. Norton & Company. Sources of reliability problems often stem from a reliance on overly subjective observations and data collections. In I. Lakatos & A. Musgrave (Eds. Organizational Research Methods, 17(2), 182-209. These states can be individual socio-psychological states or collective states, such as those at the organizational or national level. In E. Mumford, R. Hirschheim, & A. T. Wood-Harper (Eds. Cengage Learning. One form of randomization (random assignment) relates to the use of treatments or manipulations (in experiments, most often) and is therefore an aspect of internal validity (Trochim et al., 2016). In theory, it is enough, in Poppers way of thinking, for one observation that contradicts the prediction of a theory to falsify it and render it incorrect. Thus, the results are not sufficient to establish the causes of the patterns and trends discovered. In other words, many of the items may not be highly interchangeable, highly correlated, reflective items (Jarvis et al., 2003), but this will not be obvious to researchers unless they examine the impact of removing items one-by-one from the construct. Science, 352(6290), 1147. In this context, loading refers to the correlation coefficient between each measurement item and its latent factor. As examples, the importance of network structures and scaling laws are discussed for the development of a broad, quantitative, mathematical understanding of issues that are important in health, including ageing and mortality, sleep, growth, circulatory systems, and drug doses. The benefits can be fulfilled through media . What Is This Thing Called Science? . Researchers using field studies typically do not manipulate independent variables or control the influence of confounding variables (Boudreau et al., 2001). Research results are totally in doubt if the instrument does not measure the theoretical constructs at a scientifically acceptable level. We note that these are our own, short-handed descriptions of views that have been, and continue to be, debated at length in ongoing philosophy of science discourses. Decision Sciences, 29(1), 105-139. Dunning, T. (2012). Cambridge University Press. Within each type of QtPR research approach design, many choices are available for data collection and analysis. Univariate analysis of variance employs one dependent measure, whereas multivariate analysis of variance compares samples based on two or more dependent variables. We intend to provide basic information about the methods and techniques associated with QtPR and to offer the visitor references to other useful resources and to seminal works. Gaining experience in quantitative research enables professionals to go beyond existing findings and explore their area of interest through their own sampling, analysis and interpretation of the data. Methods of Psychological Research, 7(1), 1-20. Federation for American Immigration Reform. ber den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik (in German). In addition, while p-values are randomly distributed (if all the assumptions of the test are met) when there is no effect, their distribution depends on both the population effect size and the number of participants, making it impossible to infer the strength of an effect. Secondary data sources can be usually found quickly and cheaply. Trochim, W. M. K., Donnelly, J. P., & Arora, K. (2016). Often, the presence of numeric data is so dominant in quantitative methods that people assume that advanced statistical tools, techniques, and packages to be an essential element of quantitative methods. Likely this is not the intention. In contrast, correlations are about the effect of one set of variables on another. MIS Quarterly, 34(2), 345-366. For example, each participant would first evaluate user-interface-design one, then the second user-interface-design, and then the third. Surveys then allow obtaining correlations between observations that are assessed to evaluate whether the correlations fit with the expected cause and effect linkages. Mindless Statistics. In other words, SEM allows researchers to examine the reliability and validity of their measurements as well as the hypotheses contained in their proposed theoretical model. Koronadal City: Department of Education . The same thing can be said about many econometric studies and other studies using archival data or digital trace data from an organization. Edwards, J. R., & Berry, J. W. (2010). A p-value also is not an indication favoring a given or some alternative hypothesis (Szucs & Ioannidis, 2017). NHST rests on the formulation of a null hypothesis and its test against a particular set of data. the role and importance of information communication in science and technology are following: it has enabled to predict and forecast weather conditions by studying meteors. This resource is dedicated to exploring issues in the use of quantitative, positivist research methods in Information Systems (IS). This means that survey instruments in this research approach are used when one does not principally seek to intervene in reality (as in experiments), but merely wishes to observe it (even though the administration of a survey itself is already an intervention). Statistical Power in Analyzing Interaction Effects: Questioning the Advantage of PLS With Product Indicators. The original inspiration for this approach to science came from the scientific epistemology of logical positivism during the 1920s and 1930s as developed by the Vienna Circle of Positivists, primarily Karl Popper,. Recker, J. Greene, W. H. (2012). It examines the covariance structures of the variables and variates included in the model under consideration. An introduction is provided by Mertens et al. Appropriate measurement is, very simply, the most important thing that a quantitative researcher must do to ensure that the results of a study can be trusted. The number of such previous error terms determines the order of the moving average. Part 2: A Demo in R of the Importance of Enabling Replication in PLS and LISREL. P Values and Statistical Practice. This is why we argue in more detail in Section 3 below that modern QtPR scientists have really adopted a post-positivist perspective. Gelman, A. The moving average part adds a linear combination of the error terms of the previous observations. Qualitative interpretive researchers start out with the assumption that access to reality (given or socially constructed) is only through social constructions such as language, consciousness, and shared meanings. Random selection is about choosing participating subjects at random from a population of interest. A., Alter, G., Banks, G. C., Borsboom, D., Bowman, S. D., Breckler, S. J., Buck, S., Chambers, C. D., Chin, G., Christensen, G., Contestabile, M., Dafoe, A., Eich, E., Freese, J., Glennerster, R., Goroff, D., Green, D. P., Hesse, B., Humphreys, M., Ishiyama, J., Karlan, D., Kraut, A., Lupia, A., Mabry, P., Madon, T., Malhotra, N., Mayo-Wilson, E., McNutt, M., Miguel, E., Paluck, E. L., Simonsohn, U., Soderberg, C., Spellman, B. That is to say, they are created in the mind as abstractions. Davidson, R., & MacKinnon, J. G. (1993). The Free Press. Researchers use quantitative methods to observe situations or events that affect people. Experimental class research includes a variety of designs such as pre- experimental, quasi-experimental and true experimental, and typically include parameters such as random or non-random assignment, manipulation of variables, and use of a control group. f importance of quantitative research across fields research findings can affect people's lives, ways of doing things, laws, rules and regulations, as well as policies, The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152. Experiments are specifically intended to examine cause and effect relationships. Theory & Psychology, 24(2), 256-277. Researchers who are permitted access to transactional data from, say, a firm like Amazon, are assuming, moreover, that the data they have been given is accurate, complete, and representative of a targeted population. This task can be carried out through an analysis of the relevant literature or empirically by interviewing experts or conducting focus groups. Make observations about something unknown, unexplainedor new. Finally, governmental data is certainly subject to imperfections, lower quality data that the researcher is her/himself unaware of. It is entirely possible to have statistically significant results with only very marginal effect sizes (Lin et al., 2013). A researcher that gathers a large enough sample can reject basically any point-null hypothesis because the confidence interval around the null effect often becomes very small with a very large sample (Lin et al., 2013; Guo et al., 2014). Psychometrika, 16(3), 291-334. Assuming that the experimental treatment is not about gender, for example, each group should be statistically similar in terms of its gender makeup. Formulate a hypothesis to explain your observations. 2016). Often, such tests can be performed through structural equation modelling or moderated mediation models. NHST originated from a debate that mainly took place in the first half of the 20th century between Fisher (e.g., 1935a, 1935b; 1955) on the one hand, and Neyman and Pearson (e.g., 1928, 1933) on the other hand. Surveys have historically been the dominant technique for data collection in information systems (Mazaheri et al. Popular data collection techniques for QtPR include: secondary data sources, observation, objective tests, interviews, experimental tasks, questionnaires and surveys, or q-sorting. Human Relations, 46(2), 121-142. There is a large variety of excellent resources available to learn more about QtPR. (2017). We are ourselves IS researchers but this does not mean that the advice is not useful to researchers in other fields. Organization Science, 22(4), 1105-1120. Cohen, J. Chin, W. W. (2001). Starting at the Beginning: An Introduction to Coefficient Alpha and Internal Consistency. These debates, amongst others, also produce several updates to available guidelines for their application (e.g., Henseler et al., 2014; Henseler et al., 2015; Rnkk & Cho, 2022). They do not develop or test theory. Time-series analysis can be run as an Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that specifies how previous observations in the series determine the current observation. Items or phrases in the instrumentation are not related in the way they should be, or they are related in the ways they should not be. Also, QtPR typically validates its findings through testing against empirical data whereas design research can also find acceptable validation of a new design through mathematical proofs of concept or through algorithmic analyses alone. Management Science, 29(5), 530-545. 'the Arts Council' or 'ACE'). A Post-Positivist Answering Back. The basic procedure of a quantitative research design is as follows:3, GCU supports four main types of quantitative research approaches: Descriptive, correlational, experimental and comparative.4. It is also important to regularly check for methodological advances in journal articles, such as (Baruch & Holtom, 2008; Kaplowitz et al., 2004; King & He, 2005). Qualitative Research on Information and Communication Technology. (Logik der Forschung, Vienna, 1935). Using Multivariate Statistics (4th ed.). The Effect of Statistical Training on the Evaluation of Evidence. Fromkin, H. L., & Streufert, S. (1976). Construct validity is an issue of operationalization and measurement between constructs. When the sample size n is relatively small but the p-value relatively low, that is, less than what the current conventional a-priori alpha protection level states, the effect size is also likely to be sizeable. 17 ( 2 ), 1105-1120 Vienna, 1935 ) with quantitative data as do scholars... 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importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology