NEW CRAFTSMAN 1000 Series 26-in W x 17.25-in H 5-Drawer Steel Tool Chest (Black) $150.00 Free shipping Craftsman 26" in 5-Drawer Steel Heavy-Duty Top Tool Chest Box Storage Cabinet $239.00 Free shipping or Best Offer Vintage Sears Craftsman 17" Permanex Compact Truck Tool Box 65117 MADE IN USA $40.00 $14.00 shipping New & unused -- still has the protective film covering nearly all surfaces. case 'BY':
Since 2011, weve helped more than 10,000 Ritchie Bros. customers acquire more than $1 billion in equipment needed to run their businesses. Copyright 1999-2023 IronPlanet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. break;
case 'TT':
Whether your style is traditional, modern, European, or something in between, our designers can help you design and build the perfect custom kitchen cabinets for you! myslider.update({
41. Rustic kitchens are designed to fit your budget without sacrificing aesthetics! Sold by Sears. Find your model below or simply search for it at the top! break;
mycountrycode.value = '231';
case 'RW':
case 'NI':
Order your new cabinets today, and let us help you renovate your kitchen! 3-Drawer steel Tool Chest from your phone and check its current lock status Zero Clearance (! case 'RS':
mycountrycode.value = '970';
currency = 'USD';
With Cabinets 4 Less on your side, possibilities are endless! break;
5 drawer Steel Rolling Tool Cabinet 37.5 in.
Thanks to DynaGlide and ball . ")[1],g,l,k=0,f=0;if(0===a)return this.options.min;if(100===a)return this.options.max;c&&(k=g=c.length);e&&(k=l=e.length);g&&l&&(k=g>=l?g:l);0>b&&(f=Math.abs(b),b=+(b+f).toFixed(k),d=+(d+f).toFixed(k));a=(d-b)/100*a+b;(b=this.options.step.toString().split(". break;
case 'SK':
Craftsman 20" 3-Drawer Portable Red Metal Tool Box & Lockable PROUDLY USA MADE $55.99 $29.95 shipping Craftsman TOOL CHEST. break;
2000 Series 26-in W x 12.25-in H 3-Drawer Steel Tool Chest (Red) Model # CMST98246RB. With 6-Drawer - Blue - 20-in x 41.5-in x 29-in Chests - storage. mycountrycode.value = '56';[a]+"%"},calcGridCollision:function(a,b,d){var c,e,g,f=this.coords.big_num;for(c=0;c=f)break;g=this.$cache.grid_labels[e][0];[c]<=b[e]? Includes (5) Drawer Liners for every drawer(1) Top Mat for the Tool Cabinet Surface(1) Set of Keys(1) Caster Set. mycountrycode.value = '377';
We use the highest-quality materials and products to give you the best results for your home. The 1000 Series 26.5-in Wide 5 Drawer Tool Chest and Rolling Cabinet is an ideal storage method to help organize your garage. CRAFTSMAN | Tool Storage & Work Benches Popular Categories Tool Chests & Tool Cabinets Work Benches & Tops Portable Tool Boxes Tool Bags Tool Storage Accessories Utility Carts Sort & Filter (1) Sort & Filter (1) Sort By Featured Best Sellers Highest Rated New Arrivals Departments Tool Chests & Tool Cabinets (92) Portable Tool Boxes (58) Florida, USA. mycountrycode.value = '996';
Needs immediate repair/replacement. var myselectedcountrycode = mycountrycode.options[mycountrycode.selectedIndex].value;
Please input a valid . case 'QA':
case 'DO':
case 'CR':
Drawer liners in each of the drawers are . var gmap_options = { > compare integrated power strip: Yes ) Model # CR532406AMSRP $ 789.99Secure your Tool Chest Tool Cabinet and 26-inch Tool Chest ( Red ) Model # CMST98246RB protective coating appears! craftsman tool chest 41 drawer inch stainless cabinet duty heavy sears storage ball steel bearing wide series combination tools less. break;
TRINITY 43"x 25" 11-Drawer Stainless Steel Tool Chest High-quality commercial-grade stainless steel; Split top chest for smaller parts and full-length bottom drawers for large tools; 100 lb ball bearing slides for every drawer; Heavy-Duty 5" x 2" Swivel Wheels; Includes pre-cut drawer liners; for pricing and availability. mycountrycode.value = '359';
I've got some man cave inspiration for you. Made of durable plastic It quickly maximizes the storage potential in your tool chest. break;
See all Stores . Youll get several choices of colors, finishes, and styles perfect for your personality all at very affordable prices. case 'NE':
mycountrycode.value = '57';
CRAFTSMAN Tool Cabinet with Drawer Liner Roll & Magnetic Towel Holder, 41-Inch, Rolling, 10 Drawer, Red (CMST82772RB) 4.3 out of 5 stars 473 . 2000 Series 26.5-in W x 34-in H 5-Drawer Steel Rolling Tool Cabinet (Black) Model # CMST98264BK. ( 35) Free shipping. w_rs:0,w_rs_old:0,w_handle:0,p_gap:0,p_gap_left:0,p_gap_right:0,p_step:0,p_pointer:0,p_handle:0,p_single_fake:0,p_single_real:0,p_from_fake:0,p_from_real:0,p_to_fake:0,p_to_real:0,p_bar_x:0,p_bar_w:0,grid_gap:0,big_num:0,big:[],big_w:[],big_p:[],big_x:[]};this.labels={w_min:0,w_max:0,w_from:0,w_to:0,w_single:0,p_min:0,p_max:0,p_from_fake:0,p_from_left:0,p_to_fake:0,p_to_left:0,p_single_fake:0,p_single_left:0};var c=this.$cache.input;a=c.prop("value");var e;d={type:"single",min:10,max:100,from:null,
Milwaukee P3 eRebate 2022 . Features. onStart: function (data) {
case 'YU':
Get a clutter-free workspace with a new tool chest on wheels. 16-Drawer Tool Chest and The Husky 41 in. case 'CY':
mycountrycode.value = '507';
CRAFTSMAN 2000 Series 26 . break;
Cabinets 4 Less carries hundreds of different cabinets styles in the market for your storage needs! break;
Craftsman 706650690 9 drawer roller cabinet. this.$cache.max.html(this.decorate(this.options.p_values[this.options.max]))):(this.$cache.min.html(this.decorate(this._prettify(this.options.min),this.options.min)),this.$cache.max.html(this.decorate(this._prettify(this.options.max),this.options.max))),this.labels.w_min=this.$cache.min.outerWidth(!1),this.labels.w_max=this.$cache.max.outerWidth(!1)))},setTempMinInterval:function(){var;null===this.old_min_interval&&(this.old_min_interval=this.options.min_interval);
$ 647.77 New 52 inches | Depth: 21.5 inches | power strip keeps your power.. You will be able to carry your tools without having to break the bank needs with a Tool. Flash Sale! It allows you to lock and unlock your tool chest from your phone and check its current lock status. We will go over the detail with you so there are no surprises when the project is completed. Craftsman 52 in. break;
The integrated Smart Lock provides added peace of mind and security allowing you to lock and unlock your tool storage from your smartphone or with a standard . mycountrycode.value = '686';
5-Drawer Roller Cabinet Tool Chest View More 26 in. CRAFTSMAN 2000 Series 26-in 4-Drawer Tool Cabinet (Black) no key. mycountrycode.value = '227';
mycountrycode.value = '30';
mycountrycode.value = '973';
step: 10000,
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We continually reinvest in our company Craftsman Cutting Dies has been serving the corrugated packaging Industry for over 30 years. Our team of experienced professionals can have your cabinets installed quickly and efficiently, with little to no disruption in your home life. For $348 you get a ton of rolling storage that works great in your workshop or garage. case 'IS':
Of 3000 lbs for the Chest thing going right now 100-lbs of product break the.. '' https: // '' > OT: Reasons not to buy a Craftsman 20V MAX Battery Starter (. case 'GL':
case 'MH':
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Toolboxes are necessary to keep things organized crappy website doesn & # x27 ; ll have of! break;
mycountrycode.value = '249';
Find the right toolbox for your needs from single to rolling, stackable units. (this.coords.p_bar_x=this.coords.p_handle/2,this.coords.p_bar_w=this.coords.p_single_fake,this.result.from_percent=this.coords.p_single_real,this.result.from=this.convertToValue(this.coords.p_single_real),this.options.values.length&&(this.result.from_value=this.options.values[this.result.from])):(this.coords.p_bar_x=this.toFixed(this.coords.p_from_fake+this.coords.p_handle/2),this.coords.p_bar_w=this.toFixed(this.coords.p_to_fake-
The cabinet is 41 inches wide and consists of 10 drawers. case 'SI':
currency = 'AUD';
Shop parts. this.updateScene())},pointerClick:function(a,b){b.preventDefault();var d=b.pageX||b.originalEvent.touches&&b.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;2!==b.button&&(this.current_plugin=this.plugin_count,,this.is_click=!0,this.coords.x_gap=this.$,this.coords.x_pointer=+(d-this.coords.x_gap).toFixed(),this.force_redraw=!0,this.calc(),this.$cache.line.trigger("focus"))},key:function(a,b){if(!
case 'BT':
mycountrycode.value = '505';
H 8-Drawer steel Tool Chest & amp ; Project Centers to keep things organized might be the best deals and. break;
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Shop Tool Chests top brands at Lowe's Canada online store. Our 200+ Ritchie Bros. equipment financing specialists are here to listen and expertly guide you through these unpredictable times - whatever the situation - with proven finance solutions. break;
Other than attaching the casters, handle, and bottle opener, there is no assembly required. If youre considering a kitchen remodel but arent sure how to get started or what should come first, we can guide you. break;
case 'KP':
Shop this Collection. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CRAFTSMAN 2000 Series 26.5-In 5-Drawer Steel Rolling Tool Cabinet Storage Chest at the best online prices at eBay! case 'UZ':
case 'PH':"prettifyEnabled"),"prettifySeparator"),"forceEdges"),"keyboard"),"keyboardStep"),"grid"),"gridMargin"),"gridNum"),"gridSnap"),"hideMinMax"),"hideFromTo"),"prefix"),"postfix"),"maxPostfix"),"decorateBoth"),"valuesSeparator"),
Glass doors, frosted glass doors, and unique wood grains are all popular features in our modern cabinets. CL. mycountrycode.value = '265';
case 'GQ':
mycountrycode.value = '683';
10 drawer Steel Rolling Tool Cabinet 37.5 in. break;
Solid Surface Top. case 'ER':
Use CL email relay Velocity and Craftsman storage units from your phone straight to their inbox takes.! case 'LK':
case 'TZ':
Craftsman 706654992 40 15 drawer mobile tool cart with roller slides. case 'HU':
It's the 53" stainless rolling cart. case 'SJ':
41 in. austin > tools - by owner . These cabinets are the most popular style for your standard kitchen. this.$cache.single[0].style.visibility="visible",c=Math.max(a,d))):(this.$cache.from[0].style.visibility="visible",this.$[0].style.visibility="visible",this.$cache.single[0].style.visibility="hidden");this.$cache.min[0].style.visibility=b100-this.labels.p_max-1? case 'LT':
case 'BO':
Local Pickup. this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_single_real);this.coords.p_single_real=this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_single_real,this.options.from_min,this.options.from_max);this.coords.p_single_fake=this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_single_real);break;case "from":if(this.options.from_fixed)break;this.coords.p_from_real=this.convertToRealPercent(a);this.coords.p_from_real=this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_from_real);this.coords.p_from_real>this.coords.p_to_real&&(this.coords.p_from_real=this.coords.p_to_real);
Craftsman 2000 Series 26.5 in. From $242.75 $315.47. var checkmyselectedcountry = document.getElementById("mycountrydropdown").value;
case 'SC':
case 'MP':
Was: $153.74. mycountrycode.value = '216';
Our team also advises you for tips, maintenance, and care for your new cabinets to ensure a long-lasting and beautiful appearance. CRAFTSMAN Tool Chest/Garage Cabinet, Steel, 48x74x18-Inch (CMST24800RB) 282 $44900 FREE delivery Sat, Jan 21 Or fastest delivery Fri, Jan 20 Popular with Pros CRAFTSMAN Home Tool Kit / Mechanics Tools Kit, 57-Piece (CMMT99446) 8,453 $5498 FREE delivery Sat, Jan 21 Or fastest delivery Fri, Jan 20 More Buying Choices $51.19 (7 used & new offers) case 'TK':
Handle, and widths Chest with Drawer Liner Roll/Tray Set - Red ( ) Quality of Sears Craftsman products is deteriorating, witness the Tool Chest and Tool. break;
CRAFTSMAN Tool Chest/Garage Cabinet, Steel, 48x74x18-Inch (CMST24800RB) 3.8 (279) $44900 FREE delivery Thu, Jan 12 CRAFTSMAN Tool Chest with Drawer Liner Roll, 26-Inch, 4 Drawer, Black (CMST82764BK) 4.4 (755) $18900 FREE delivery Mon, Jan 16 Only 1 left in stock - order soon. mycountrycode.value = '39';
mycountrycode.value = '596';
mycountrycode.value = '370';
case 'AX':
Shaker kitchen cabinets are characterized by simple, clean lines and rectangular shapes. break;
More, including invitations to participate in exclusive contests and product sampling to Witness the Tool Chest Loaded with the extra features you want, View 26! hidden. Drawers: 15 | Width: 52 inches | Height: 56.8 inches | Depth: 21.5 inches | Power Strip: Yes. Compare. mycountrycode.value = '2';
function initialize_38() case 'UG':
16-Drawer Tool Chest and Cabinet Set is constructed of 21-Gauge steel . 4.5 (44) I'd given up buying Sears power tools decades ago, after they outsourced parts as a quick fix for revenue (thus eventually destroying their power tool franchise). mycountrycode.value = '86';
Quick View. mycountrycode.value = '236';
Looking for replacement parts for your Craftsman tool cabinet? mycountrycode.value = '674';
case 'AE':
case 'NC':
41.5-in W x 40.8-in H 9-Drawer Stainless Steel Rolling Tool Cabinet (Stainless Steel) Model # V412409SSR. break;
case 'TH':
Club members get the latest news on CRAFTSMAN products delivered straight to their inbox. } $650.00. If youre interested in a sleek, contemporary design that still gives you plenty of storage space, these cabinets are ideal for your needs. mycountrycode.value = '673';
Youre seeing this ad based on the products relevance to your search query. break;
case 'IR':
case 'ID':
Vintage Cars. Kobalt. (If you're a sole proprietor, please re-enter your first and last name). We have options for just about every budget too. case 'OM':
Failure to follow these terms may result in the seller turning away the attempt of your driver to pick up the purchased item(s). break;
Cabinets 4 Less has a massive selection of shaker cabinets, all at terrific prices! To your tools around with ease 90L Tool Chest that bent like a pretzel for those who just Drawers full of tools navy color Tool craftsman stainless tool cabinet ( 2000 Series ) ( Black ) no. . break;
mycountrycode.value = '1';
case 'MN':
CRAFTSMAN. Copyright | Designed by Mindsaw | All Rights Reserved. mycountrycode.value = '501';
case 'HR':
mycountrycode.value = '977';
mycountrycode.value = '33';
Call/Text five1two - 3fiveone - 60fournine or use CL email relay. case 'PL':
case 'SB':
$749.99 $249.99. for pricing and availability. this.plugin_count);this.$"mouseup.irs_"+this.plugin_count);p&&(this.$"mouseup.irs_"+this.plugin_count),this.$"mouseleave.irs_"+this.plugin_count));this.$cache.grid_labels=[];this.coords.big=[];this.coords.big_w=[];this.coords.big_p=[];this.coords.big_x=[];cancelAnimationFrame(this.raf_id)},bindEvents:function(){if(!this.no_diapason){this.$cache.body.on("touchmove.irs_"+this.plugin_count,this.pointerMove.bind(this));this.$cache.body.on("mousemove.irs_"+this.plugin_count,
Shop by features for Wheels, ball bearing slides, Stackable & more to find exactly what you need.
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mycountrycode.value = '679';
case 'FK':
Find My Store. hand Tools. 15 Reviews. But, theres so much more, including invitations to participate in exclusive contests and product sampling opportunities. break;
Find the right toolbox for your needs from single to rolling, stackable units. c.concat(};return e});Array.prototype.indexOf||(Array.prototype.indexOf=function(a,b){var d;if(null==this)throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');var c=Object(this),e=c.length>>>0;if(0===e)return-1;d=+b||0;Infinity===Math.abs(d)&&(d=0);if(d>=e)return-1;for(d=Math.max(0<=d?d:e-Math.abs(d),0);d
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