asp net core razor button click event

The following assignment of the current local DateTime with DateTime.Now to StartData is valid syntax in a component: After the initial assignment of DateTime.Now, do not assign a value to StartData in developer code. The following GenericTypeExample2 parent component sets the child content (RenderFragment) of two ListGenericTypeItems2 components specifying the ListGenericTypeItems2 types (TExample), which are cascaded to child components. For example, the preceding my-counter custom HTML element that renders the app's Counter component is used in a React app with the following markup: For a complete example of how to create custom elements with Blazor, see the CustomElementsComponent component in the reference source. Blazor apps are built using Razor components, informally known as Blazor components. We shall show an anchor link to the user. By default, ComponentBase is the base class for components described by Razor component files. Similar to other UI event handlers, specifying the event parameter is optional. The property receiving the RenderFragment content must be named ChildContent by convention. Methods for user event handling, lifecycle events, and custom component logic. Always return a Task from asynchronous methods. The second @page directive receives the {text} route parameter and assigns the value to the Text property. Access the component in a browser at the relative path /quickgrid-example. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. For more information, see the Overwritten parameters section of this article. In the wwwroot/index.html or Pages/_Host.cshtml file, add the following